Stafi i kontaktoi Aldo Serenën. Me ish-sulmuesin e Milanit biseduam për dy ndeshjet e ardhshme të Milanit, Juventus-Atalantën, vështirësitë e Piatekut dhe të ardhmen e Gattusos.
Milani më në fund u rikthye pas fitoreve me Bolonjën dhe Fiorentinën? Si i shihni Kuqezinjte në dy ndeshjet e ardhshme?
"Frosinone dhe SPAL nuk kanë shumë për të kërkuar nga kampionati, kështu që unë mendoj se Milani mund të narr pik te plota kundër të dyja skuadrave, gjithashtu sepse kuqezinjte duket se kanë kapërcyer momentin e vështirë, por ato nuk janë skuadra që duhet të nënvlerësohen. "Mbrëmë, Interi pati disa vështirësi më shumë se sa pritej me Chievon, megjithatë, mendoj se Milani ka një shans 90% për të mundur të dy: Frosinone eshte tashmë në Serie B dhe SPAL gjithashtu".
Për Milanin në Ligën e Kampionëve, megjithatë, ai shpreson një gabim nga Atalanta në dy ndeshjet e ardhshme. A do të ketë Juventusi motivet e duhura për t'u përballur me Atalanten?
"Ndeshja është një udhëkryq themelor për Milanin, Atalanta është në gjendje të mirë, nesër mbrëma do të luajë në finalen e Coppa Italia me Lazion, ndërsa Juventusi do të festojë Scudetton të dielën. "Fytyrat kundër Romës: të mira në gjysmën e parë dhe të këqija në të dytën, në të cilën janë tretur. Por në shtëpi, në ditën kur ata do të ngrenë kupën e Italis, unë nuk mendoj se ata mund të largohen dhe të lejojnë Atalanten të kalojë. Angazhimi dhe vullneti i mirë janë në pjesën e Juventusit. "
Piatek nuk ka shënuar për disa ndeshje tanime: cilat janë problemet e sulmuesit polak?
"Unë pashë ndeshjen në Firence, kundër Fiorentinës, Milani solli disa topa në zonen e 16 metrave. Duke parë nga jashtë, është e vështirë të gjykosh me siguri. Mendoj më shumë për një lloj atletike, pasi bëri shumë mirë deri Dhjetor me Genoa dhe pas transferimit te Milani ka mbajtur ritmin per muajt e pare. Kur Gattuso e vuri ne pankine kunder Torino qe nga fillimi, duke e luajtur Cutronen, te gjithe kishin gabuar disi. Rino kishte kuptuar se Polaku kishte humbur disa shkelqimin. "
Do të qëndrojë Gattuso në rast të kualifikimit per ne Champions?
"Nëse Milan duhet të shkojë në Ligën e Kampionëve, mendoj se meriton të konfirmohet, më pëlqen se si komunikon, dhe si lidhet me gazetarët dhe lojtarët e tij. "Ai duhet të shohë qëllimin kolektiv, jo vetëm individin, duhet të merret me situatat e pakëndshme, por edhe të shkojë përpara." Shih rastin Bakayoko, ai ishte i mirë me mënyrën se si trajtoi situatën. "Jo gjithmonë në fushë kemi parë se çfarë do të donte Gattuso". Duke thënë këtë, trajnerët shkojnë krah për krah me rezultatet, dhe mua më duket se e kuptoj se pa Champions, Milani do të ndryshojë shumë dhe kështu ka gjasa që ai të largohet ".
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Premier League, the market of millions go ahead of everyone else
The fiercest soccer championship on the planet will kick off all other rivals in the race to get the best players in circulation.
The Premier League has officially announced the dates of the summer jubilee session and the sprint of millions will start on May 16th. The country's top football supremacy continues to be confirmed year-on-year, but never before the island had seen four English teams in the two European finals, as happened with the Europa League and the Champions League this year. Federation leaders have decided to apply for transfers this Thursday between English teams, while for players involved in other championships, or to be leased or sold to other countries, it will be June the beginning of the month. The wine mark will close on 8 August.
The numbers are of great importance in the continental market and the Premier League confirms this in every case. It is the championship that spent the most in the last summer session, worth 1.5 billion euros, compared to 419 million euros representing sales. Bonus bonuses, sponsored contracts, and evenly distributed TV rights make the Premiership capable of sensational blows. Only 9 players out of 44 in total, titled in the 4 English teams in the semifinals, were with the nationality of "3 lions", a clear demonstration force that all continental results are the fruit of the cup.
The Premier League has officially announced the dates of the summer jubilee session and the sprint of millions will start on May 16th. The country's top football supremacy continues to be confirmed year-on-year, but never before the island had seen four English teams in the two European finals, as happened with the Europa League and the Champions League this year. Federation leaders have decided to apply for transfers this Thursday between English teams, while for players involved in other championships, or to be leased or sold to other countries, it will be June the beginning of the month. The wine mark will close on 8 August.
The numbers are of great importance in the continental market and the Premier League confirms this in every case. It is the championship that spent the most in the last summer session, worth 1.5 billion euros, compared to 419 million euros representing sales. Bonus bonuses, sponsored contracts, and evenly distributed TV rights make the Premiership capable of sensational blows. Only 9 players out of 44 in total, titled in the 4 English teams in the semifinals, were with the nationality of "3 lions", a clear demonstration force that all continental results are the fruit of the cup.
Leaving Rome, De Rossi: I felt it, but they only communicated to me on Monday
Daniele De Rossi will leave Rome at the end of this season, closing a glorious chapter in the Italian soccer team.
The player with more red and green shirt after Francesco Totti curbs an incredible adventure after 615 games, though - as he said in the recent press conference - he would like to have stayed longer.
"I only reported leaving on Monday, but I had understood it on time. I have always talked a bit, because I did not want to harm the team. But I still feel like a footballer and I will continue to play, even though I have not decided where. If it were for me, I would renew the contract, but it was not in my hands. If I have a career hostage, it's between Rome and Liverpool, "said Daniele De Rossi, a Roma player. Daniele De Rossi debuted on January 25, 2003, in the match between Como and Rome, and since then spikati with the jersey of capitals, which guaranteed the Italian national team for many years.
The player with more red and green shirt after Francesco Totti curbs an incredible adventure after 615 games, though - as he said in the recent press conference - he would like to have stayed longer.
"I only reported leaving on Monday, but I had understood it on time. I have always talked a bit, because I did not want to harm the team. But I still feel like a footballer and I will continue to play, even though I have not decided where. If it were for me, I would renew the contract, but it was not in my hands. If I have a career hostage, it's between Rome and Liverpool, "said Daniele De Rossi, a Roma player. Daniele De Rossi debuted on January 25, 2003, in the match between Como and Rome, and since then spikati with the jersey of capitals, which guaranteed the Italian national team for many years.
What is Maria Antonetta's syndrome, which bleaches her hair overnight?
Maria Antonietta's syndrome is a suspected medical condition characterized by sudden hair bleeding. In fact, just one night is enough to pass from a color head to a completely white head like that of an elderly person.
As shown in some scientific articles, Marie Antoinette's syndrome may be due to alopecia areata (a common autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss. "
What is Maria Antonietta's syndrome? With Maria Antonietta syndrome, we mean sudden hair whitening, a process that happens at night. The name derives from that of the famous Queen of France, who was convicted of guilty by the revolutionary court for high treason. According to the evidence of the time, the woman, who was killed at the age of 38, after the last night in the cell, appeared on the wharf with white hair. So this syndrome got its name.
Causes of Syndrome Maria Antonietta The most likely causes of the suspected syndrome are alopecia areata, a disease characterized by sudden hair loss and or fragmentation, but which may affect the entire body (alopecia areata universale). Alopecia areata may be caused by severe stress, such as that of a person sentenced to death as Marie Antoinette, so it is likely that the woman may have been a victim of this condition. Since hair colors were common in the past, scientists suggest that in some cases imprisoned, sudden eruption may be related precisely to lack of color access, while excessive sweating could affect this condition.
Known cases of Marie Antoinette syndrome In addition to that of the Queen of France who gave the name for the condition, some cases of somewhat unexpected hair whitening have been documented in medical and historical literature. As reported in Dermatology Jama in an article published in 2009 and called "Syndrome Maria Antonietta", refers to the issue of a 63-year-old who, after falling from the stairs, also suffered hair whitening. Similar but less unexpected cases were discovered during the Second World War among the bombing victims, which were undoubtedly subjected to great stress. Among the historic cases mentioned is that of the British martyr Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), whose hair became white at night in the London Tower before execution. The most ancient case of Maria Antonietta's syndrome is mentioned in the Talmud, a Hebrew holy text that deals with the unexpected hair scarring of a young scholar.
As shown in some scientific articles, Marie Antoinette's syndrome may be due to alopecia areata (a common autoimmune disorder that often results in unpredictable hair loss. "
What is Maria Antonietta's syndrome? With Maria Antonietta syndrome, we mean sudden hair whitening, a process that happens at night. The name derives from that of the famous Queen of France, who was convicted of guilty by the revolutionary court for high treason. According to the evidence of the time, the woman, who was killed at the age of 38, after the last night in the cell, appeared on the wharf with white hair. So this syndrome got its name.
Causes of Syndrome Maria Antonietta The most likely causes of the suspected syndrome are alopecia areata, a disease characterized by sudden hair loss and or fragmentation, but which may affect the entire body (alopecia areata universale). Alopecia areata may be caused by severe stress, such as that of a person sentenced to death as Marie Antoinette, so it is likely that the woman may have been a victim of this condition. Since hair colors were common in the past, scientists suggest that in some cases imprisoned, sudden eruption may be related precisely to lack of color access, while excessive sweating could affect this condition.
Known cases of Marie Antoinette syndrome In addition to that of the Queen of France who gave the name for the condition, some cases of somewhat unexpected hair whitening have been documented in medical and historical literature. As reported in Dermatology Jama in an article published in 2009 and called "Syndrome Maria Antonietta", refers to the issue of a 63-year-old who, after falling from the stairs, also suffered hair whitening. Similar but less unexpected cases were discovered during the Second World War among the bombing victims, which were undoubtedly subjected to great stress. Among the historic cases mentioned is that of the British martyr Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), whose hair became white at night in the London Tower before execution. The most ancient case of Maria Antonietta's syndrome is mentioned in the Talmud, a Hebrew holy text that deals with the unexpected hair scarring of a young scholar.
Incredible photos in Dubai and Singapore amid lightning strikes
To capture the perfect images, Dubai's photograph, Teemu Jarvinen is inspired by the cinema, typical movie settings like Blad Runner.
Urban night scenery, consisting mainly of tall buildings, often covered with fog, which do not seem human. Between the artificial lights of the night, Jarvinen seizes the ray and lightning that explode the sky. Some photos show the famous Burj Khalifan in Dubai, illuminated by the powerful flash lightning strikes that occur during a storm. Through his images, the photographer tries to foster the viewer, provoking a miracle and wonder.
Urban night scenery, consisting mainly of tall buildings, often covered with fog, which do not seem human. Between the artificial lights of the night, Jarvinen seizes the ray and lightning that explode the sky. Some photos show the famous Burj Khalifan in Dubai, illuminated by the powerful flash lightning strikes that occur during a storm. Through his images, the photographer tries to foster the viewer, provoking a miracle and wonder.
Zukerberg makes an almost secret purchase
Mark Zukerberg has almost secretly purchased two adjacent properties on the shores of Lake Tahoe for $ 59 million.
The irony of this purchase is that his company is accused of selling tens of millions of Facebook users, which has been verified, but when it comes to its purchases, privacy is maximized.
The 34-year-old has bought property on the most coveted lake for northern California, in a mountainous area that besides calm, blue water and clean beaches in summer, there are also ski resorts in winter.
Lecce por jo vetëm. Parma, Spal, Napoli dhe ... Promovimi i dyfishtë ka hyr ne mode
Pushtimi i ekipit të Liveranisë vazhdon në një situatë gjithnjë e më të shpeshtë në Itali, duke analizuar 15 vitet e fundit të kampionatit: kapercimi i dyfishtë nga seria C në dy vjet. Para se verdhekuq-ve kan arritur edhe ekipe të tjera.
Për të sjellë Novaran në ligat me te mira te futbollit mendon Atticio Tesser, trajner i cili arriti nje kapercim te dyfishtë të ngjyrës së kaltër. Në sezonin 2009-10, Novara dominon Serine C dhe ngjitet me lart fal treshes sulmuese Motta, Bertani dhe Gonzalez. Në sezonin e ardhshëm ka 70 pikë në kampioniat dhe kaq mjaftoj per tu fut në playoffs te cilen e fituan në finale kundër Padovas se El Shaarawy. Perjudha ne Serin A megjithë fitoren historike kundër Interit dhe sezonit super të Marco Rigonit, ka kulmuar me renien në Serin B.
Për të sjellë Novaran në ligat me te mira te futbollit mendon Atticio Tesser, trajner i cili arriti nje kapercim te dyfishtë të ngjyrës së kaltër. Në sezonin 2009-10, Novara dominon Serine C dhe ngjitet me lart fal treshes sulmuese Motta, Bertani dhe Gonzalez. Në sezonin e ardhshëm ka 70 pikë në kampioniat dhe kaq mjaftoj per tu fut në playoffs te cilen e fituan në finale kundër Padovas se El Shaarawy. Perjudha ne Serin A megjithë fitoren historike kundër Interit dhe sezonit super të Marco Rigonit, ka kulmuar me renien në Serin B.
Nga 500,000 Eurot e Mbappés në 20 milionët Gomes, sa vlen topi i arte?
Franca Futboll ka vlerësuar se si fitorja apo podiumi mund të mbështetet në kontratat e futbollit: nga moduli i Neymar deri ne deshtimin e Barcelonës, rreziku është llogaritur
Qëllim konkret për pak kandidat, një ëndërr për shumë njerëz. Spekulime të pastra për të tjerët. Por ka ende qindra mijëra euro në rrezik, të vënë në letër, pas negociatave të gjata, përpara një firme që i bën të gjithë të lumtur. Shkurtimisht, klauzola e Topit te Artë është bërë një çështje negociuese për ëndërrimtarë të mëdhenj dhe llogarites të thjeshtë. Franca Futboll, e cilën çmimi prestigjioz i cakton çdo vit, ka rindërtuar atë që mund të aplikohet për kontratat e lojtarëve. Edhe ata që pastaj përfundojnë gjithmonë te ndjekin ceremonine e dhënies në TV.
Rreziqet - Kur Neymar arriti në Barcelonë në vitin 2013, një klauzol per Topin e Arte eshte vendosur menjëherë nga 425 mijë euro. Një rrezik i llogaritur nga udhëheqësit katalanas, për atë që ishte ende një premtim, i cili ka marrë vetëm një përqindje të ulët të votave. Dy vjet më vonë, me mundësi të shumëfishta në një kontratë tjetër: 1 milion sterlina në rastin e fitores së trofeut; 500mije për podiumin; 100,000 për praninë në listën e përgjithshme të kandidatëve. Ato ishin kushtet e marra nga Depay për United. Holandezi ndërkohë kaloi në Lyon.
Llogaritja - me shumë gjasa duke menduar se Mbappé Një ditë do te mbaj mantelin e fituesit. Ose të paktën keshtu është imagjinuar nga drejtuesit e PSG-së se pas një negocimi të gjatë përmbanin vetëm "500 mije Euro" France futboll nuk gjen dakortesin per milionat e fituara nga Messi per cdo Top te Arte te fituar. Por Barcelona parashikonte 20 milionë Euro në rast të marrjes se cmimit nga André Gomes, tashme te Everton për të njëjtën kohë të llogaritur. Ashtu si me 10 milionë premtoi te Monakos nga ana e United në rast të pranisë se Martial në listën e fituesve potencialë. Ose pesë për Realin në rast të suksesit të Di Marisë.
Renovimet - Modric, i cili në dhjetor ka ndërprerë monopolin Ronaldo-Messi, do të fitonte 800 mijë euro, vetëm për rinovimin e kontratës së parë, ku Topi i artë nuk u përmend. Kolegu i tij Kroos parashikonte 1.8 milionë vetëm për të qenë pjesë e listës së tre te pareve. Por për vitin 2014 e mbylli ne vendin e nëntë. Për një lojtar, nuk kalohet mbi 25 mijë euro. Tani për tani.
Qëllim konkret për pak kandidat, një ëndërr për shumë njerëz. Spekulime të pastra për të tjerët. Por ka ende qindra mijëra euro në rrezik, të vënë në letër, pas negociatave të gjata, përpara një firme që i bën të gjithë të lumtur. Shkurtimisht, klauzola e Topit te Artë është bërë një çështje negociuese për ëndërrimtarë të mëdhenj dhe llogarites të thjeshtë. Franca Futboll, e cilën çmimi prestigjioz i cakton çdo vit, ka rindërtuar atë që mund të aplikohet për kontratat e lojtarëve. Edhe ata që pastaj përfundojnë gjithmonë te ndjekin ceremonine e dhënies në TV.
Rreziqet - Kur Neymar arriti në Barcelonë në vitin 2013, një klauzol per Topin e Arte eshte vendosur menjëherë nga 425 mijë euro. Një rrezik i llogaritur nga udhëheqësit katalanas, për atë që ishte ende një premtim, i cili ka marrë vetëm një përqindje të ulët të votave. Dy vjet më vonë, me mundësi të shumëfishta në një kontratë tjetër: 1 milion sterlina në rastin e fitores së trofeut; 500mije për podiumin; 100,000 për praninë në listën e përgjithshme të kandidatëve. Ato ishin kushtet e marra nga Depay për United. Holandezi ndërkohë kaloi në Lyon.
Llogaritja - me shumë gjasa duke menduar se Mbappé Një ditë do te mbaj mantelin e fituesit. Ose të paktën keshtu është imagjinuar nga drejtuesit e PSG-së se pas një negocimi të gjatë përmbanin vetëm "500 mije Euro" France futboll nuk gjen dakortesin per milionat e fituara nga Messi per cdo Top te Arte te fituar. Por Barcelona parashikonte 20 milionë Euro në rast të marrjes se cmimit nga André Gomes, tashme te Everton për të njëjtën kohë të llogaritur. Ashtu si me 10 milionë premtoi te Monakos nga ana e United në rast të pranisë se Martial në listën e fituesve potencialë. Ose pesë për Realin në rast të suksesit të Di Marisë.
Renovimet - Modric, i cili në dhjetor ka ndërprerë monopolin Ronaldo-Messi, do të fitonte 800 mijë euro, vetëm për rinovimin e kontratës së parë, ku Topi i artë nuk u përmend. Kolegu i tij Kroos parashikonte 1.8 milionë vetëm për të qenë pjesë e listës së tre te pareve. Por për vitin 2014 e mbylli ne vendin e nëntë. Për një lojtar, nuk kalohet mbi 25 mijë euro. Tani për tani.
The new World Cup format is discovered, from 2021
In 2021, the new World Cup of the clubs will be developed, which will take place in the 10 Jun/ July 4th.
The new format of the tournament, with Europe that will have more representatives, full of 8 teams, as the Champions League and Europa League winners in the last 4 seasons will be used. South America will have 6 teams, Africa, Asia and North America and the central America will have a team's teams. If a team will have from more than once every time each in each plant, then the site is attending each other. "The club's superbuter has 24 participating teams that will be divided into 8 groups of 3 teams and the first teams teams will qualify for the quarterfinal.
For the first edition of the "Superworld cup of the Club", the Real of Madrid and Atletico Madrid, qualifiers of the European competitions in 2018, then will be Liverpool / Tottenham / ATSEN / CLSSEA, the teams that have invaded the Champions and Europa League finals this year. The rest of the teams will be determined by the next three editions of these competitions. The same formula is also defined for South America, with the Gremion and River Plant that are qualified as the Libertadore Cup. What is not known at this point is where the worldwide of the clubs, with the Qatar excluded in this regard, while Japan seems to be one of the contenders to wait for this tour.
The new format of the tournament, with Europe that will have more representatives, full of 8 teams, as the Champions League and Europa League winners in the last 4 seasons will be used. South America will have 6 teams, Africa, Asia and North America and the central America will have a team's teams. If a team will have from more than once every time each in each plant, then the site is attending each other. "The club's superbuter has 24 participating teams that will be divided into 8 groups of 3 teams and the first teams teams will qualify for the quarterfinal.
For the first edition of the "Superworld cup of the Club", the Real of Madrid and Atletico Madrid, qualifiers of the European competitions in 2018, then will be Liverpool / Tottenham / ATSEN / CLSSEA, the teams that have invaded the Champions and Europa League finals this year. The rest of the teams will be determined by the next three editions of these competitions. The same formula is also defined for South America, with the Gremion and River Plant that are qualified as the Libertadore Cup. What is not known at this point is where the worldwide of the clubs, with the Qatar excluded in this regard, while Japan seems to be one of the contenders to wait for this tour.
"Play Off" NBA's finals, the conference finals are defined
The NBA have given the latest verdicts regarding the phase of "Play" off the stage, the team that will be opposite Golden State is Portland, who won the 7th Denver match against the 100 p.pitation with the 100-96 result, closing the match series in 4-3.
The man of the match for "Trailblazers" became CJ McCollum, with 37 personal points marked. It was a somewhat nervous match after the teams went down to the parking lot with the idea that they could not wrong. The beginning was better for Denverin who shut down the first. "Which was the first." The following of the flood. The first place of the flood. The first place of the flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th plot. The first place of the folk, which was the fokystone's bill. The 12th plot. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th plot. The last year's fastest. The 12th plot. The first place of the fist, but the fokrot's "slead of the fluid. The first place of the fist, but the fokysty. The first place of the folk, which was the fokystone's fascinating day. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fokcast. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fokystone 'sijak. The leader's foiled, the leader's foam, which was the first portion of the pliladel's bark. The final which prompted Lekard-AteTetokounmuno is prompted by the spell.
The man of the match for "Trailblazers" became CJ McCollum, with 37 personal points marked. It was a somewhat nervous match after the teams went down to the parking lot with the idea that they could not wrong. The beginning was better for Denverin who shut down the first. "Which was the first." The following of the flood. The first place of the flood. The first place of the flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th plot. The first place of the folk, which was the fokystone's bill. The 12th plot. The 12th-time of the tankon's flood. The 12th plot. The last year's fastest. The 12th plot. The first place of the fist, but the fokrot's "slead of the fluid. The first place of the fist, but the fokysty. The first place of the folk, which was the fokystone's fascinating day. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fokcast. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fok. The leader's foiled, the fokystone 'sijak. The leader's foiled, the leader's foam, which was the first portion of the pliladel's bark. The final which prompted Lekard-AteTetokounmuno is prompted by the spell.
Hazard, away from Chelsea: I've made my decision!
Eden Hazard seems to be getting closer to Real Madrid. Chelsea's Belgian footballer, after closing the championship in England, has stated that he has already made his decision for the future, and for that has announced the club's directors.
"The decision has already been taken. I myself would like it to be different, but unfortunately this did not happen. I'm still waiting. I got the decision, but not everything is under my control. Two weeks ago, I told the club leaders what I wanted, "Hazard said. Hazard did not mention Real Madrid, of course, but made it clear that his Chelsea adventure is heading towards completion, as he is awaiting May 29, when London's "blush" in Azerbaijan's Baku will play the final of Europe League against Arsenal.
"The decision has already been taken. I myself would like it to be different, but unfortunately this did not happen. I'm still waiting. I got the decision, but not everything is under my control. Two weeks ago, I told the club leaders what I wanted, "Hazard said. Hazard did not mention Real Madrid, of course, but made it clear that his Chelsea adventure is heading towards completion, as he is awaiting May 29, when London's "blush" in Azerbaijan's Baku will play the final of Europe League against Arsenal.
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Patriotic Marines that became models
Today is a model, but 10 years ago it was with the Navy, one of the most elite US troops, Though he has now returned to fashion an...
Some of the best skateboard athletes became the protagonists of an outdoor sports spectacle, right in a park on the outskirts of Vienna, A...
There are many places on our planet for which science has no explanation. Places that look magical or as belonging to another world. ...
Verës po afrohet në hemisferën veriore, duke paralajmëruar rikthimin e asaj murmeje të madhe të ushqimeve al freskore kudo: grenzë. Tani...