
Thursday, 25 April 2019

De Grandis: "Laxalt is not from Milan, çalhanoglu never decisive. On Bakayoko ..."

A guest of Sky Sport 24, Stefano De Grandis commented on the post-semi-final Rossoneri moment with Lazio: "Gattuso's experiments failed everyone last night. The first reason is that Laxalt is not from Milan, he is not from this level. lost all the duels, he seemed to be going at a different pace from the rest of the game, which is fine for Genoa, a second-tier team, but I repeat, it is not honestly speaking from Milan, plus yesterday they missed Castillejo and Bakayoko all wrong yesterday they exalted but it is only a physical player who does not produce in directing. Then the last bud is Çalhanoglu, he entered only in the final but I don't remember a race in which he was decisive ".

Patriotic Marines that became models

Today is a model, but 10 years ago it was with the Navy, one of the most elite US troops, Though he has now returned to fashion an...