
Monday, 29 April 2019

The report cards of Cutrone: one of the few to be saved. Few occasions

One of the few to save himself in Milan's disastrous evening at the Grande Torino stadium was Patrick Cutrone. A great desire, a lot of sacrifice but almost never dangerous from the parts of Sirigu. Not entirely his fault, given that the supplies did not arrive, and this also speaks volumes about his desire to suffer, something that many people do not have in Rossoneri.
 La Gazzetta dello Sport: 6
 Corriere dello Sport: 5.5
 Corriere della Sera: 5.5
 Tuttosport: 6
 Milannews: 6

Patriotic Marines that became models

Today is a model, but 10 years ago it was with the Navy, one of the most elite US troops, Though he has now returned to fashion an...