
Friday, 17 May 2019

Game of Thrones / Disappointed fans make petition

The winter came for the Game of Thrones, as its latest series has received a fairly cold reception

Fans have embarked on a strange initiative: through a petition signed so far by 500,000 unsatisfied follower, is called on the serial producers who have conquered the world, to repeat the eighth season. The screening of George RR Martin's latest book - has been faced with a series of criticisms on the Internet. Disappointed viewers feel almost hurt, as they say, from the narrative structure of the story and the fate of their beloved characters.

The petition launched after the episode's broadcast this week goes far enough to claim the replacement of screenwriters, which he calls incompetent. Because Martin's next book, The Winds Of Winter, is still underway, the TV show will have another closure. But the petition says he deserves a final that makes sense. "Meet our expectations, HBO," it says.

Patriotic Marines that became models

Today is a model, but 10 years ago it was with the Navy, one of the most elite US troops, Though he has now returned to fashion an...