
Tuesday, 30 April 2019

It's better to run in the evening or in the morning?

Two studies (on mice) show that physical activity at the end of the day improves body performance. The trainer: "Depends on metabolism"

To show that jogging in the evening is better and that in the morning there is much more effort, they put rats on the treadmill. It may seem bizarre but it happened. In two separate universities in California and Israel. Here some researchers have trained rodents as if they were real athletes. The exercise took place at different times of the day. Well, running mice would have shown that they were 50 percent more efficient than those who struggled in the morning. Because they consumed less oxygen and had higher levels of a substance that increases the metabolic activity of tissues.

California and Israel To avoid misunderstandings or easy ironies, it must be said immediately that the teams at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot (Israel) and the University of California have also added that "the results may not be translatable for humans because some people are night owls and some they are early risers ". Gianfranco Beltrami is the vice president of the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine. A doctor who knows the body's movements and reactions. Consider the results of the study (published in the journal Cell Metabolism) which are interesting but in contrast with the literature on the subject. All the more, he adds with a smile, they should not agree with common sense. "The evening effort is greater. Those who run in the morning do not have to deal with mental stress and work that accumulate during the day. In the evening the body is more tired. The physicist needs to run in resting situations. There are many studies that prove it. In general, hormonal rhythms tend to observe those of nature: when there is light an activity takes place while in the dark we tend to rest ".

Daily rhythm The question is complex. Several factors. Light and dark. Physiology and habits dictated by social life. Metabolism and needs of the psyche. However the researchers of the two universities on one point seem to have no doubts: physical exercise is influenced by our daily rhythms. During the study they also compared the results obtained by mice with twelve humans, discovering that humans also consumed less energy in the evening. In an attempt to understand how rodent tissues changed during exercise, the researchers found that a protein, known as Hif-1alpha, was activated by the body during exercise in different ways at various times of the day. "This is a new discovery" - affirmed Paolo Sassone-Corsi, director of the Center for the epigenetics and the metabolism of the Californian university - "because until now we didn't know that its levels fluctuated based on the time of the day ».

Physiology of the person Nothing against scientific tests but Julia Jones, Californian writer and marathon runner who has been training amateur runners for twenty years, starts from a much more prosaic assumption: the physiology of the person. Personal metabolism. The way it is. «From experience I know that everyone has his own biorhythm. Runners are like children: there are those who wake up early and have a lot of energy and those who need to sleep and take longer to fuel. Ditto for the race: there are those who are ready already at dawn. The same person would struggle more in the evening ». Jones has lived in Modena for many years and has married a coach who works with professionals for the Athletics Federation. More than light and dark, he divides the world of runners into two categories: those who want to achieve a result or have a goal (marathon or other distance) and those who instead turn to her to get better. For health reasons. "I advise the first to run in the morning". His explanation introduces a human element here, which has little to do with the scientific results obtained in the laboratories: temptation. "In the evening, especially in summer, there is outdoor dining, more family commitments, maybe there is an aperitif with friends. Here: training would become tiring, heavy ».

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