
Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Dairy with palm oil. How to distinguish foods that make you harm

Palm oil and powdered milk are finding extensive use in the food industry
The Albanian consumer is cheated by domestic producers and not just. Fraud reaches to the point that nobody declares it on the label of the food product, although such a thing is a legal obligation. Technicians say that such behavior the Albanian producer learned from the unfair competition of imported products. Nazif Tivari says: "They use it because one kilogram of plum oil costs 140 leks and when you use it for cheesecake cheese, it adds the range of cheese production. You get 1 kilogram more per 100 liters of milk. " FollowLike Për të kuptuar nësë gjiza është më vaj palme, e vendosim atë në një tigan dhe nëse ndryshon ngjyrë atëherë duhe të bëni kujdes sepse ajo nuk është përgatitur me qumësht. To understand if the swallow is more palm oil, place it in a pan and if it changes color then you should be careful because it is not prepared with milk. "Palm oil has saturated fatty acids. This has a large amount of palm oil, and even this oil is used for fuel because it enters the hydrocarbons. There are 3-5% diesel. It has saturated fatty acids, carbon and hydrogen, there is no oxygen as there are milk fat, "explains the specialist. But why was this food carbonated? "It's burned because it's carbon, it's just like burning fuels. So, it's milkless cottage cheese. There are palm oil and protein. This is 120 Lek, while Bio Goat goes 180 leks in multiples, "explains Nazif Tivari. Fraud does not end. The reindeer can be prepared with another formula, where its ingredients are powdered milk and starch. We also use this experiment with pizza cheesecake: "During baking, the cheese produced for pizza released its milk moisture, while this other cheese released palm oil". If yogurt sauce is too sweet, it means that it is not quality, but overgrown with the conservative. A few days ago, the AKU showed that as a native producer had introduced thousands of tons of palm oil and did not justify its use, although on the technological card it was noted that this vegetable fat should be used no more than 20% in the products of milk.

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